Opzioni di iscrizione

This course serves as an introduction to the fundamental concepts of computer science and provides a comprehensive understanding of computers, networks, and software applications. Through a series of chapters, you will explore the key components of a computer, delve into computer network concepts, grasp software fundamentals, gain proficiency in the Windows operating system, and learn about popular office software and its practical applications.

·        Le public cible

First-year students

·        Les objectifs généraux.

Understand the basic concepts and principles of computer science: The course aims to provide students with a solid foundation in computer science, ensuring they grasp key concepts, principles, and terminology related to computers, networks, and software.

Gain knowledge of computer components and functionality: Students will learn about the main components of a computer, including the CPU, memory, storage devices, and input/output peripherals. They will understand how these components work together to execute instructions and store data.

Comprehend computer network concepts: The course aims to familiarize students with computer networks, their types, topologies, and some protocols. Students will gain an understanding of how data is transmitted, shared, and accessed across networks.

Develop proficiency in software concepts: Students will learn about different types of software. They will explore the role of operating systems and gain awareness of programming languages and their significance in software development.

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