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Industrial toxicology is a science to anticipate, identify, assess and control risks in the work environment with the first objective which is health protection and well-being of the worker and the community.

Pollution comes in many forms,  by contaminated water, soil and air that are harmfull or poisonous. The exposure to these toxic polluants can affect people health. It causes neurological disabilities, immune system damage, various cancers, heart and lung diseases.

The course selected is based on needs analysis of the students in order to perform a particular role to help them reach specific purposes  and of caurse to improve their English language proficiency.

The diagram below gives a description of how does toxic pollution affects public health which is the aim of this course

Public cible : 1ére année classe préparatoire science technologie

1.      The Objective of the course

By the end of the course, students should be able :

  To understand a variety of scientific texts written in English

  To give an oral presentation for an international conferences

  To write good summary in their field of research

 To translate scientific articles from English into French and vice versa

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