The lesson under examination in this training workshop seeks to give a comprehensive overview on the English tense system , describing its main features, variations, and constituents . Central to this preoccupation is to provide students with a gramatical material outlining the uses and forms of the different verb tenses , ranging from simple, progressive and perfect tenses .Seen against this backdrop , the lesson which operates within a theoretical and practical framework will stress emphatically the form and notably the contextual use of each verb tense , allowing students to discern at the end the appropriate tense use in variant descriptive texts
Essay Writing est un cours présenté aux étudiants de 3eme année Anglais. L’écrit des dissertation est une compétence nécessaire à tout étudiant. En effet, l’étudiant de langue Anglaise est toujours solliciter a rependre aux questions d'examens à travers une dissertation. C'est pour cela on a songé à préparer ce cours qui vise à préparer les étudiants à écrire différents types de textes.
- Dr: Lynda MORSLI
cours historique
- Dr.: Khadidja CHERGUI
« English Consonants » is the third unit of 1st year English Phonetics Syllabus. It revolves essentially on the production and articulation of English Consonants.The unit encompasses a plethora of complex phonetic concepts that need to be demystified via audio-visual materials and well thought-out activities.
This unit is geared to raise 1 st year students awareness and concern for good pronunciation with particular focus on the accurate description and articulation of the 24 English Consonants.
This unit is geared to raise 1 st year students awareness and concern for good pronunciation with particular focus on the accurate description and articulation of the 24 English Consonants.
- Teacher: Chahida BENSAID
After the collapse of the western part of the Roman Empire because of the Germanic invasion, western Europe went through a very long period of change known as the Middle Ages. During this long period, western European countries witnessed radical changes in different fields: social, political, religious, cultural, and economic. Most important, these changes became motives for others so that western societies went into yet another period of radical change; it is the era of renaissance and reformation characterized by the spread of new ideas, critical thinking, and knowledge. So, this course, Introduction to Western Civilization and Literature I.W.C.L, aims at shedding light on the aforementioned changes that Europe witnessed during the Middle Ages.
- Teacher: Ali BOUKHALFA
- Teacher: Ahmed LOUNAS
- Teacher: Agouillal ANISSA
يتخذ هذا المقياس المنحى الثقافي وهو موجه للطلبة الأساتذة، موضوعه الفلسفات التربوية المختلقة، يركز على المعاصرة منها كالفلسفة النقدية وفلسفة ما بعد الحداثة، من خلال مناقشة مفاهيم وقضايا التعليم من منظور فلسفي، بهدف التأمل في الممارسات اليومية والأدوار التي يقومون بها، ويحاول تفكيك مفاهيم وأدوار كل من: التربية، المدرسة، المعلم، المنهاج وغيرها من عناصر عملية التربية والتعليم فلسفيا، كما يهدف المقياس عبر الخبرات والأنشطة ودراسة الحالات المقدمة إلى تطوير مفاهيم الطلبة حول دور الطالب الأستاذ من مُستقبل للمعرفة ومنفذٍ لها دون محاكمتها وتحليلها، إلى مُعلّم فاعل ومتأمل في جوانبها المختلفة.
- Teacher: Hadj Said BAKIR
Ce cours est destiner au étudient de la première année
Formation PEP, il vise a leur apprendre les principes de
base de la logique mathématiques le langage logique le
raisonnement logique et bien avidement le cote pratique de
cette science .
Formation PEP, il vise a leur apprendre les principes de
base de la logique mathématiques le langage logique le
raisonnement logique et bien avidement le cote pratique de
cette science .
- Teacher: Fouad Mohssen KHELIFI