Linguistics and Translation practice is designed for First Year Master students "Linguistics and Applied Language Studies". It is concerned with the translation of different texts from English into Arabic and vice-versa. It covers the content of the subject-matter during the second term. It deals with different text-type such as, the translation of literary, scientific, poetic and religious texts. It is intended to help students acquire the strategies, procedures and techniques that are used in translating different texts from and into both direction (from English into Arabic and from Arabic into English). In addition, it gives them some insights about the difficulty of translating some texts because of the cultural aspect that cannot be transferred from one language to another unless it is adapted.
This course is designed for first year Master students of English who are specialised in “Linguistics and Applied Language Studies”. Its main focus is about academic research and the different types of research. It is intended to help students get some insight about the methodology as well as the different procedures and steps of writing academic research.
This is a TD course for Master 1 students of English/ option: Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. It aims at examining the students abilities to use sources for their research perfectly in terms of being able to master the reading techniques and develop their critical thinking by analysing and synthesizing passages.
The present course which is entitled “Discourse Analysis” is addressed to Master One students of English (Linguistics/Applied Language Studies option). This module covers the main concepts of language as a complete discoursal unit. The latter reflects the communicative side of any linguistic unit at the macro level. This is shown in cohesion and coherence aspects, language functions, metadiscourse functions, macrostructure, and language patterns, etc. Additionally, these concepts can be dealt with further applications of discourse in specific purpose domains. Hence, students can benefit from the main aspects discussed in the course in the sense that they will help him/her analyse the information in a logical manner and a purposeful way.
Research Methodology Course is designed for first year master students of English/ Applied Language Studies at the Department of English Language- University of Mentouri Brothers, Constantine 1.

Research Methodology helps students to conduct any scientific research. In their Master Degree, students are asked to know how to write a research proposal, so this course attempts to guide them to write their research proposal successfully. Throughout this course, the students will be able to recognize the different types, steps and components of acdemic research and will also know how to write a successful research proposal for future research works.