Ce cours s’adresse essentiellement aux étudiants de Licence physique fondamentale.  Dans ce cours on s’intéresse à la programmation avec le  logiciel de calcul scientifique Matlab. Plusieurs chapitres ont été présentés afin de bien maîtriser ce langage. Il permet aux débutants de connaître les notions de base de programmation.
Des applications physiques sont également programmées et traitées par ce logiciel.

The aim of this scale is to introduce the student to university life, facilitate his integration into it, and develop his sense of responsibility and maturity through:
- Developing the student's awareness of ethical principles and sensitizing them to their importance.
- Introducing the student to his rights, duties and obligations towards the university community, as well as introducing him to the penalties imposed for violations.
- Educating the student about the moral dangers of corruption and fraud, and motivating him to contribute to fighting them.
Materials science includes the development and study of the properties of materials for one purpose. Apart from a few special cases, metals are rarely used industrially in their pure state. Generally, alloys consist of two elements (binary alloys), three elements (ternary alloys), etc. The alloys are composed of one phase (single-phase alloys) or several phases (polyphase alloys). A phase (solid solution) can be defined as a homogeneous part of the material having its own chemical composition and structure.
These phases can undergo transformations during the use of the materials, which are based on the diffusion phenomenon. These phase changes are given by equilibrium diagrams (or phase diagrams). Any phase transformation leads to a reduction in the free enthalpy of the system (the thermodynamic principle for reaching equilibrium), which can only begin from the germs of the new phase. These germs grow to eventually form an equilibrium phase. So in all phase transformations, we observe the two phenomena of germination and growth.
The phase transformation mechanisms obey Avrami's law, which gives the variation of the germination rate as a function of time at a constant temperature. For different curves, we can obtain the T.T.T. diagram (transformation-temperature-time) and describe the phase transformation as a function of time.
This document is intended for Master I students of Frères Mentouri_Constantine 1 University; it is also suitable for any students from various fields of study, provided they comply with the essential pre-requisites for enrolling in this course: completion of material sciences, structure and properties of solids, and heat treatment essentials. The recommended method for approaching each chapter is to read the text section attentively and then do the exercises provided.
At the end of this document, I propose a trilingual glossary that constitutes a basic tool for Master students in physics, in particular materials sciences. Its objective is above all educational; it can initially relieve the difficulty of finding, in the field, a bibliography in Arabic. It brings together the majority of terms used in this manuscript.
Ce cours  est destiné aux étudiants de 3 ème année licence physique fondamentale. Il permet aux étudiants de maîtriser les différents phénomènes de transport  qui sont souvent lies et d’acquérir les notions fondamentales pour ces phénomènes. L’objectif de  ce cours est de présenter le phénomène de transmission de la chaleur et d’étudier  avec un peu plus de détails les trois modes de transfert : conduction, convection et rayonnement.