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  • Course Introduction

    Dear Students,

    Welcome to the "English Language Learning Course" tailored for first-year bachelor-level SM students. In this course, you will be provided with a solid foundation in English language skills, covering essential elements from grammar, and syntax to pronunciation and vocabulary. Additionally, this course is designed to supplement your pursuit of knowledge in the fascinating realm of Scientific English. We bridge the gap between the intricacies of scientific subjects and the essential language skills required for effective communication in academic and professional settings.

    Course Overview:

    Lesson One: Initiation to General English and Specialized English
        • Gain an understanding of the broader applications of English in both general and specialized contexts.
        • Explore the intersection of general and specialized English, equipping you with linguistic tools for both broad communication and scientific discourse.

    Lesson Two: The English Simple Tenses

        • Delve into the world of verb tenses, mastering the present, past, and future simple tenses for effective communication.
        • Master the art of expressing scientific concepts through an in-depth understanding of present, past, and future simple tenses

    Lesson Three: Types of English Sentences and their Structures

        • Explore the intricacies of constructing different sentence types, enhancing your ability to express ideas with precision.
        • Refine your ability to construct a variety of sentence structures, enhancing your prowess in presenting complex scientific ideas with clarity.

    Lesson Four: Parts of Speech

        • Discover the fundamental building blocks of the English language, from nouns and verbs to adjectives, adverbs, and beyond.
        • Explore the fundamental building blocks of English language, equipping you to articulate scientific principles with clarity and accuracy.

    Lesson Five: The Final /s/ and Final /ed/

        • Fine-tune your pronunciation skills and develop an ear for the nuances of final /s/ and final /ed/ sounds for effective scientific communication.

    Lesson Six: Articles & Plurals

        • Grasp and master the proper usage of articles and the formation of plurals, to enhance the precision and coherence of your written and verbal scientific discourse.

    Lesson Seven: Auxiliaries & Passive and Active Voice

        • Unravel the role of auxiliary verbs and harness the versatility of passive and active voice in scientific writing.

    General Objectives:

        • The course aim to provide students with a comprehensive foundation in English language skills, encompassing grammar, syntax, pronunciation, and vocabulary, enabling them to communicate effectively and confidently in both general and specialized contexts.
        • The students are expected to consolidate their knowledge of English grammatical rules and develop their awareness about grammar, syntax, pronunciation, and vocabulary in order to use it in appropriate contexts.

    What to Expect:

        • Lessons tailored to the specific language needs that combine theoretical knowledge with practical applications.
        • Varied exercises to reinforce your understanding.
        • Clear explanations of language concepts intertwined with scientific examples.
        • Opportunities for self-assessment and improvement throughout the course.
        • Practical applications of language skills in scientific contexts.

  • Lesson One: Initiation to General English and Specialized English

    Lesson Objectives:

    1. Introduce students to the fundamentals of General English and Specialized English.
    2. Familiarize students with the importance and application of English in various contexts.
    3. Provide an overview of the key differences between General English and Specialized English.


    1. Students will gain a foundational understanding of the scope and significance of English language learning.
    2. Students will be able to identify instances where General English and Specialized English are commonly used.
    3. Students will express an initial awareness of the diverse applications of English in their respective fields of interest.

  • Lesson Two: The English Simple Tenses

    Lesson Objectives:

    1. Introduce students to the concept of verb tenses in the English language.
    2. Focus on the formation and usage of simple tenses: present, past, and future.
    3. Provide practice opportunities for students to apply their understanding of simple tenses.


    1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles of English verb tenses.
    2. Students will be able to construct sentences using present, past, and future simple tenses accurately.
    3. Students will apply simple tenses appropriately in the right context.

  • Lesson Three: Types of the English Sentences and their Structures

    Lesson Objectives:

    1. Introduce students to the various types of English sentences.
    2. Explore the structures and characteristics of each sentence type.
    3. Provide practice in constructing sentences of different types.


    1. Students will be able to identify and distinguish between different types of English sentences.
    2. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the grammatical structures associated with each sentence type.
    3. Students will practice creating sentences of each type in written form.

  • Lesson Four: Parts of Speech

    Lesson Objectives:

    1. Familiarize students with the English parts of speech.
    2. Explore the functions and roles of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions.
    3. Provide exercises to reinforce the identification and use of each part of speech.


    1. Students will be able to identify and categorize words into their respective parts of speech.
    2. Students will demonstrate an understanding of how each part of speech functions in sentence construction.
    3. Students will apply knowledge of parts of speech to enhance their writing and communication skills.

  • Lesson Five: Final /s/ and Final /ed/

    Lesson Objectives:

    1. Focus on the pronunciation and application of the final /s/ and final /ed/ sounds in English.
    2. Provide practice in differentiating between plural forms and past tense forms.
    3. Provide students with tips towards identifying the final /s/ and final /ed/ in English words.


    1. Students will be able to pronounce words with final /s/ and final /ed/ sounds accurately.
    2. Students will be able to differentiate between the different pronunciations of English words end with the final /s/ and final /ed/.

    1. Lesson Six: Articles & Plurals

      Lesson Objectives:

      1. Introduce the usage of articles (a, an, the) in English.
      2. Focus on forming plurals of nouns, including irregular plurals.
      3. Provide exercises to practice using articles and forming plurals in context.


      1. Students will apply their knowledge and use of articles and plurals appropriately in sentences.
      2. Students will demonstrate the ability to form regular and irregular plurals correctly.

    2. Lesson Seven: Auxiliaries & Passive and Active Voice

      Lesson Objectives:

      1. Introduce the concept of auxiliary verbs and their role in forming tenses.
      2. Learn how to use auxiliary verbs to form questions and negatives.
      3. Explore the difference between passive and active voice in English.
      4. Understand the circumstances under which passive voice is appropriately used.
      5. Identify the elements of passive voice in a sentence.


      1. Students will understand the function of auxiliary verbs in constructing different tenses.
      2. Correctly use auxiliary verbs to form questions and negatives in various contexts.
      3. Students will differentiate between passive and active voice and use them appropriately.
      4. Effectively transform sentences between active and passive voice.