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The  following  material  has  been  created  during  the  three  years  of  teaching  English  for Chemists at the Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Science at the University Mentouri of Constantine 1, and  is  therefore designed to  meet  the  needs  of  this  course.  

The  main  motivation  was  the  lack  of  appropriate  materials, especially  as  the  groups  generally  comprise  students , belonging to License of Master levels,  with  a  very  diverse  level  of  English.  This diversity therefore became the main criterion determining both the form and the content of this text. 

In  the  multiple units  that  provide material  for  a  one  semester  course,  the  emphasis  is  put  on teaching  the  students  vocabulary  and  terminology in chemistry,  which  is  introduced  via  authentic  texts, depending on the topic of each unit. 

Students are encouraged to learn the meaning of new chemical words in context of environmental, organic and pharmaceutical topics. Grammar and vocabulary skills are included too, with the aim of demonstrating and explaining English rules by means of examples  taken directly from  the  texts. 

We  hope  that  this  material,  the  preparation  of  which  has  been  a  challenging  as  well  as enjoyable experience will be useful for future teachers and the students of this course.... 

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