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English for Specific Purposes (ESP) module is concerned with teaching English as a foreign language to university students using particular required vocabulary.

The module puts focus on the teaching of the English language in relation to the scientific branches, in this case the field of nutrition, food, and agro-food technology.

Scientific English is particularly interested in the teaching of terminology, scientific productions, like scientific texts, articles, abstracts, oral presentations, etc..

ESP teaching is centered on the language appropriate to the discipline in terms of grammar, lexis, register, study skills (read, write, speak, listen), speech and genre according to the students' need.

Scientific English is directed to Master 1 students, option "Biotechnologie Alimentaire".

the students, in this course, are expected to be able to Acquire scientific terminology in relation to the field; Analyze scientific texts into main ideas and subordinate ideas; Synthesize the main ideas and summarize scientific texts; Present orally the produced analysis and synthesis of scientific texts; and Evaluate each of the other written and oral productions taking into consideration acquired language rules .
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